Iag braided oil feed line 04-07 STI. Making oil travel so snazzy!
Hey!... Welcome to #modmonday! This week we have @Iagperformance Avcs and turbo oil feed line for Fxt, Lgt, Wrx and Sti. It replaces the factory brazed feed line and has been installed on my 05 STi for over 3 years now without any issues.
When I removed my Sti engine for a rebuild I looked into fixing up parts and pieces that aren't always the easiest to reach. After a few stories of factory brazed lines splitting and spraying out oil all over the engine, some even catching fire. Well I wasn't looking to burn down the car anytime soon.
This line is definitely made to last, as seen in the pictures above mine looks just a fresh as it was the day it was installed. Steel fittings that are zinc coated keep the corrosion away and braided lines with teflon coated liner keep the line durable and suited for the high heat of the engine bay.
When I was installing the Vf39 on the Forester I was really reminded why I purchased this in the first place. (Forgot to get one for the Forester) When trying to maneuver the stock brazed line back into the proper orientation to reinstall the banjo bolt you will discover just how difficult it can be. If you are not careful you can easily damage the threads of the banjo bolt.. rendering it useless.
If the Forester turbo is ever off again.. it will be replaced. I spent a good 20 mins fighting the old brazed line and never want to do that again. As the Iag line is easily formed and moved to the proper orientation, no worries about threading the banjo bolt here.Questions, comments, thoughts? Leave them below!