Lifted Forester life doesn't have to be hard and Kartboy endlinks are here to solve at least one problem!
Welcome to #modmonday! Your weekly insight into an installed modification on one of my two Subarus and how it is working out! For this week we head to the front suspension of the Forester to find the latest modification to the Forester, @k4rt3oy front end links! These have been installed for just over two months.
Ready to show the stock links how to get the job done!
Once you lift your Subaru you are bound to find a few weak points that need attention.For me my front and rear endlinks were not too keen in their new position on the car after the 2' lift. After testing out adjustable links on both ends I found that they were not the answer. After a few words with Tom, the owner of Kartboy we found the rears worked just fine. After another year of dealing with front links that were noisy I decided that if they worked in the back they should work in the front.
The factory links can only put up with so much abuse.
A few measurements showed that the lift had moved the lower control arms from their normal location but the sway bar had pivoted right up with it. This allowed for the standard sized Kartboy front endlinks to be used. Best part of a lifted Subaru, the install can easily be done without even getting the vehicle off the ground!
I decided to install them utilizing the both of the aluminum supplied spacers, but after a couple drives I noticed that the driver's side endlink bolt would contact the sway bar under a quick turn while going through bumps. It was easy enough to see that my place on using both spacers wasn't the right way and so removing one made this self inflicted issue leave at once.
First day installation.
Impact area from the extra spacer being installed
With the lower spacer removed the issue has been alleviated.
With a simple but strong design I feel these will outlast any standard boot and grease ball joint style endlink. If the rubber ever goes bad you can always pick up a replacement set from Kartboy and be back on the road in no time. I have run these on the Sti both front and rear and have yet to need to replace any piece or part over seven years of use, so I am confident these will do the same.
If you are lifted, lowered or stock and looking for a new endlink stop by to find a set of links for your Subaru! Proudly made here in America! You won't be disappointed.