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Welcome to the site!

Home of many mods from lifted to lowered and everything in between. This site is dedicated to helping further my fellow Subaru owners with helpful knowledge to allow them to enjoy their Subaru to the fullest extent. Here is a breakdown of the topics you will find here.

From the start to today: Forester build

Starting soon this will be the newest section that recounts the past years and where the build currently stands. You won’t see as many details for installs but it will tell more of the story about how it went. Currently under construction, as posts come it will be updated, look for an STi version soon.

#modmonday (part reviews)

Started it’s life Instagram as a weekly review of installed modifications on both vehicles. It continues on here with photos, updates and links to help you decide if the part is right for your build

Install/DIY guides

Detailed photos, instructions, tool lists and links to parts help you figure out how these parts may fit on your own vehicle.

Tool review

A small section dedicated to the tools I use day in and out. Without the proper tools the install/diy section would be pretty dull and empty.

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My 06 Forester Xt sports an Anderson Design Fabrication 2” lift kit with 235/70R15 Firestone Destination A/t tires. This is my daily run about and dad battlewagon.

On the other hand my 05 STi sits low on Feal Suspension 442s to keep it glued to the pavement. It’s major use is the auto-x course and driving enjoyment, as well as being my dream car for many years.

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 #modmondays Fxt

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 #modmondays STi

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Safety reminder:

All DIYS and installs should be performed by trained individuals. Understand your skill level and always take the proper safety precautions when working on a vehicle. I can assume no liability for damages to you or your vehicle via these guides. There is only one of you and you are very important to many people, keep this in mind!

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 DIYs and Installs


Dan Engstrom

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Starting with my first car I have been adding mods and making my cars my own for many years. Going through two Honda Civics (92 hatch, 99 SI) I moved on to Subaru and have over 12 years of ownership of Subarus. Starting with a 2004 Wrx and moving on to my current stable of my 05 STi and 06 Forester XT.

My happy place is photographing, fixing and driving these cars. And now writing up their parts and repair journeys on this website. Otherwise, I am probably listening to my favorite music while updating my build threads, watching youtube car videos or looking up new ways to modify either car.